Meet the organizations from across Europe that make up the MASTERY partnership.
SFC Sistemi Formativi Confindustria (Italy)
Sistemi Formativi Confindustria (SFC) is the Coordinator of the MASTERY project. SFC is the agency acting on behalf of Confindustria to implement strategic and impulse initiatives in the fields of circular economy, managerial skills development for the green economy, digital skills and worker health and safety skills.
SFC realises initiatives on behalf of Confindustria for the development of business services for companies engaged in the green transition.
Confindustria is the main association representing manufacturing and service companies in Italy with a voluntary membership of more than 150,000 companies of all sizes, employing a total of 5,438,513 people. High Technical College foundation partners are also among SFC shareholders. The direct network covered SFC’s primary role is to support Confindustria in the National Plan of reforms addressed to policies for the Industrial Development and Education Reform.
Scuola Superiore de Studi Universitari e di Perfezionamento S Anna – SSSA (Italy)
Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (SSSA) is a public university of applied sciences: Economics and Management, Law, Political Sciences, Agricultural Sciences and Plant Biotechnology, Medicine, and Industrial and Information Engineering.
The School pursues excellence and promotes the internationalisation of teaching and research, with the aim of testing innovative paths in the fields of university education, scientific research and advanced training. Scientific research is programmed, carried out and managed both at central level, through the Research Area, and at the Institutes level, through the Institutes’ Research Units.
Within the Institute of Management, the Sustainability Management Research Group-SuM Lab has the mission to study and suggest new approaches to environmental management both in Italy and at the European level, supporting private and public organisations, firms and public Local Authorities.
Cleantech Bulgaria (CTBG) is a business network for sustainable development connecting research & academia, industry and business, entrepreneurs, and public authorities to work together on common challenges. The organisation is an official partner of the Knowledge and innovation Communities (KICs) part of European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), in particular EIT Climate-KIC, EIT Manufacturing, EIT Urban Mobility and EIT Culture & Creativity.Additionally, Cleantech Bulgaria is acting as EIT RIS Hub for EIT Manufacturing in Bulgaria.
CTBG has pioneered the knowledge triangle integration model (Industry, University, VET Provider) in the country and has become a trusted partner for the implementation of innovation projects, capacity building and strategic consultancy in the field of green and digital transition, circular economy, and sustainable development.
Konfederatsia na Rabotodatelite i Industrialtsite v Bulgaria – KRIB Glasat na Balgarskia Biznes (Bulgaria)
The Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria – KRIB is the biggest employers’ organisation in Bulgaria, uniting 12 500 economic operators and 141 sectoral business organisations and 255 regional offices.
KRIB’s members produce three-quarters of the country’s GDP and account for more than three quarters of Bulgaria’s exports.
KRIB is a member of the National Council for Tripartite Cooperation and its commissions. It has representatives in the social dialog on national, sectoral, regional, and European level and presents opinions on draft laws in the Bulgarian Parliament. KRIB drafts particular policies for overcoming the lack of qualified labour force and creating conditions for a developed, flexible labour market.
Asociación Empresarial de Investigación Centro Tecnológico del Mueble y la Madera de la Región de Murcia – CETEM (Spain)
The Technological Centre of Furniture and Wood of the Region of Murcia (CETEM) is a private and non-profit association based in the municipality of Yecla, where one of the most important furniture clusters in Spain is concentrated.
CETEM mission is oriented to improve, favour, foster the continuous improvement and transfer any type of innovation to companies, primarily SMEs, while actively contributing to their socioeconomic development through consultancy services, R&D activities, and the organisation of training programmes tailored to the needs of the industry.
The vision of CETEM is to be an international Centre of Excellence as a knowledge and technology provider; a pioneer in furniture-related technological knowledge; and to be composed of a highly qualified and motivated technical team that communicates a high level of satisfaction to its associates and collaborators with the necessary strategic alliances with organisations to further its mission. In 2019, CETEM was awarded «Best Technology Centre of the Year» at the 21st Century National Technology Awards.
Agrupación Empresarial Innovadora de Fabricantes de Muebles y Afines de la Region de Murcia – AMUEBLA (Spain)
Founded in 2009, AMUEBLA is the business cluster association of the furniture, wood and habitat sector in the Region of Murcia.
AMUEBLA is comprised by a group of stakeholders close to the furniture sector (most of them SMEs, suppliers and manufacturers, but also universities, VET providers and R&D centres) working together to address needs in the furniture and habitat sector and representing the interests of more than 80 companies and over 2,500 employees.
Its main goal is to promote joint actions between companies of the furniture sector and other sectors by facilitating innovative practices and improving the competitiveness of its partner’s companies, as well as defending its general business interests, promoting its projection and international visibility.
Association of Cities and Regions for Sustainable Resource Management – ACR+ (Belgium)
Association of Cities and Regions for Sustainable Resource Management – ACR+ is an international network of cities and regions sharing the aim of promoting a sustainable resource management, through prevention at source, reuse and recycling, and accelerating the transition towards a circular economy on their territories and beyond.
The network currently counts over 100 members, mainly local and regional authorities as well as national networks of local authorities representing around 1100 decentralised public authorities. ACR+ is directly represented in 23 countries of the European Union.
Through its activities, ACR+ strives to develop the expertise and skills of public authorities in effective waste-product-resource policies, as well as encourage practical action. ACR+ expertise includes facilitating the exchange of experiences between members, sharing technical and policy information.
Pyhäjärvi Institute – PJI (Finland)
Pyhäjärvi Institute (PJI) is a newcomer to the Erasmus + Program. PJI is an independent non-government research, development, and further education centre maintained by a private foundation.
Its special areas of expertise include sustainable agricultural production, food economics, management of aquatic systems, and water conservation and restoration. PJI operates both on regional and national level and is also actively engaged in international scientific research projects and co-operation networks.
Its activities include applied and scientific research, providing training and advisory consulting for regional producers and companies, and developing solutions for practical problems and testing innovations in the various fields of food production and water management.
Associated partners
Lazio Innova Rome (Italy)
In-house company of the Lazio Region, owned by the Chamber of Commerce of Rome, is the body dedicated to innovation, credit, and economic development in the Lazio region. It provides technical assistance to the Lazio regional administration, with reference to the implementation of European and national programming.
Swiss Federal University of Vocational Education and Training (Switzerland)
They are Switzerland’s expert organisation for vocational education and training. They provide basic and continuing training for VET professionals, conduct VET research, contribute to the development of the professions and support international cooperation in vocational education and training.
TU-Sofia Technical University of Sofia (Bulgaria)
Leading technical university in the field of nanotechnology, virtual engineering, energy efficiency, renewable energy resources, engineering ecology and engineering design.
BSMEPS Bulgarian SMEs Promotion Agency (Bulgaria)
Government institution. Its main functions focus on implementing the Bulgarian government’s policy for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The Agency provides Bulgarian SMEs with information and advisory services, organises training courses and implements promotion activities to support the increase of SMEs’ competitiveness and the strengthening of their international positions.
BCC Bulgarian Construction Chamber (Bulgaria)
Independent, voluntary professional organization acting as an official representative of the construction companies in Bulgaria. BCC was established in 2006 with a resolution of the Council of Ministers of Bulgaria and currently represents more than 2800 members including construction companies, non-profit organizations, and educational institutions.
IES ‘José Luis Castillo Puche (Spain)
VET Provider with a distance learning offering for a full 5 EQF course cycle in Humanities and Social Sciences.
Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia (Spain)
Regional development agency of the Region of Murcia, INFO acts to promote economic growth and regional competitiveness by boosting the economy, increasing investment, removing obstacles, and creating an environment conducive to competitiveness.
FEDIT – Spanish Federation of Technological Centres (Spain)
Formed by 43 Associated Technology Clusters, 27,000 client companies, 5,000 R&D&I projects. They are the network for promoting innovation, technological development and research in companies. It is also a member of the Executive Committee of the European Association of Research and Technology Organisations (EARTO) and is also a founding member of the Executive Committee of the International Network of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (INSME).
RDAPM Regional Development Agency for Podravje – Maribor (Slovenia)
They respond to the economic, social and territorial development needs of a network of 41 municipalities in the Slovenian region. Priority areas of intervention include the attraction of investors, tourism and the realisation of regional S3 also through support for entrepreneurship. RDAPM is part of the KPD – Creative Park Drava centre for the development of creative industries.
Chamber of Commerce of Bucaramanga (Colombia)
Local organization of businesses and companies in Santander with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Colombia. They are supporting the participation of Colombian SMEs in the green transition.
Unión Industrial Paraguaya (Paraguay)
Trade organisation whose mission is to represent and defend the interests of Paraguayan SMEs and provide quality services to meet their needs and expectations, promoting their competitiveness for the benefit of the country, also they are promoting industry as a model for sustainable development in Paraguay.