Dive into our sister projects.

Three-level Centres of Professional Excellence
22 project partners from 7 countries as well as 60 associated partners from 13 countries. In each country, centers of professional excellence (COEs) in Green Economy will be established, managed and their permanent continuation ensured.

INSET aims to anticipate the changing needs of companies by reducing low-skilled activities in waste management and promoting management and transversal skills to facilitate Industrial Symbiosis collaboration. The consortium is built up among 6 organizations from France, Spain, Slovenia, Lithuania, and Italy.

Cooperation in course development and strengthening international relations, addressing digital transformation by developing digital readiness, resilience and capacity, in particular through the provision and recognition of micro-credentials, stimulating innovative learning and teaching practices through collaborative models of micro-credential provision between HEIs.

The project aims at improving the quality and attractiveness of VET and training in general, through a flexible, inclusive and highly applicable training offer. It is looking to develop the capacity of trainers and training providers to adopt new and innovative approaches to the development and delivery of training and to the validation of learning outcomes.

Industrias Argentinas Sustentable Ruta X Argentina
It is a comprehensive ecosystem that allows companies to innovate and incorporate 4.0 technologies into their production processes. Based on a set of tools, it identifies the steps to follow, the objectives to achieve and the interaction with customised solutions – according to the needs and possibilities of each company.

Trireme – Centre of Vocational Excellence (CoVE) for the Automotive Sector
The Training Excellence Center aims to support partnerships between businesses, research centers, and training institutions to guide developments in the automotive and sustainable mobility sector within the Skills Pact.

Buildskills Academy
Focus on achieve that VET centers in Europe could adapt their offerings more quickly and to prepare workers for the digital and green transition in occupations of high demand. They will multiply the adoption of micro-credential through Green Building courses that the Academy will manage.

ALLVIEW – Centre of Vocational Excellence for the European Wood and Furniture Industry
The ALLVIEW project is a new transnational cooperation platform that connects 21 organizations within the wood and furniture sector, with operational objectives on a regional, national and European level to modernise vocational education and training.

Circular Minds
The project aims at improving the implementation of regional development policies in the field of governance of organisations for circular economy, in particular by scaling up positive impact of public circular economy practices in organisations. The partnership offers a broad and balanced EU coverage with 9 partners from 8 countries.

AFCOS – Agile and Flexible Construction Materials Standardization for Boosting the Twin Transition
The project aims to set up recommendations, for more agile standardization processes for construction materials based on pre-normative research performed horizontally in a collaborative fashion between key ecosystem players – research, standardization and industrial actors.

MicroHE – Support Future Learning Excellence through Micro-Credentialling in Higher Education
The project will increase the quality and quantity of micro-credentials on offer within the European Higher Education Area, as well as enable recognition of those same credentials by different educational organizations and employers.

A.SPIRE – Cross-sectoral Blueprint for a Sustainable Process Industry
The mission of A.SPIRE is to ensure the development of enabling technologies and best practices along all the stages of large scale existing value chain productions that will contribute to a resource efficient process industry.

EDICS – Enabling Digitalisation In the Construction Sector
EDICS is a European Digital Innovation Hub with main objective to boost the adoption of advanced digital technologies in the construction sector in Bulgaria by providing specialized services to SMEs and public sector fitted to their needs and challenges in the green transformation.
IRISS – The International SSbD Network
To connect, synergize and transform the Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD) community in Europe and globally towards a lifecycle approach where safety, climate neutrality, circularity and functionality are integrated already in the designing and manufacturing phase.

Construction Blueprint
To develop a new sectoral strategic approach to cooperate on skills in the Construction industry, and support a better matching between skills need of companies and skills provided by training centres.

CONDAP – Digital Skills for Workplace Mentors in Construction Sector Apprenticeships
CONDAP is an EU-funded project with objective to enhance the digital skills of mentors in construction apprenticeships through flexible and effective training.

Learner-Centric Advanced Manufacturing Platform.

SAM – Sector Skills Strategy in Additive Manufacturing
A Skills Strategy in Additive Manufacturing providing solutions capable to foster and support the growth, the innovation and competitiveness of the AM sector.

The main objective of the project is to promote the professional profile of an Industrial Symbiosis Facilitator in companies and different public actors through the design of a common curriculum and its learning strategy. In this project are developing courses for Facilitator of Industrial Symbiosis.
The main objective of the project is the preparation of both companies and public actors for a correct implementation of Green Public Procurement within the principles of Circular Economy through a systemic action of renewal of the VET paths addressed to these profiles.
The main objective of the COST LIAISE Action is to ensure an inclusive, innovative, and holistic approach to Industrial Symbiosis by generating relevant synergies among various stakeholders of the quadruple helix model (academia, industry, policymakers, technology transfer institutions, end-users, etc.).